Paranoid Park is a recent Gus Van Saint FIlm that follows a nervous and nauxious young teen around a murder mystery. Set in Portland Oregon with a strong focus on the real Burnside skate park and its culture.
THe first thing that I have to say about this movie is WOW! Inredible film and editing work! Especially in the audio dept. The Soundtrack is all original and underground Portland area music and the overdubbed, almost constant, noise that is somehow musically transformed into ballots during these tweaked out slow motion cuts is CRAZY! I could care less about the acting which was sub par and the story which was ok, but the contrast and angles that Van Saint used were Brilliant. I learned alot from watching this movie and others might be upset with the high praise that i'm giving it, but truely the amount of thought that went into this not so complex movie was great! If your from Portland Check PARANOID PARK, and if your not, I would only reccomend this film to people with an eye for art and are not too worried about blockbuster type events!!
4 holes up your Vans SK8 Hi's
5 best
0 complete shit
1 comment:
watched it the other day, and much like some of his other flicks i wasnt impressed, i liked the way it looked and moved, and the music was cool, but all those distractions were what i think takes away from the movie...all this artsy fartsy shit sometimes pisses me tryin to watch a movie....he did the same in pshyco the remake...i shouldnt dog his style to much, because it is different, but everytime i leave from watching one of his films, its already forgotten..
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