So its that time of the year again....October and hallowe'en are just around the Of course, beacuse Nike doesnt make cnady or costumes to go out the door on the gouly night, they've decided to capitalize on the festivities by creating a new "Hallowe'en Edition" sneaker for the past few years.
Well first of all, there are WAYYYYYYY to many dunks out there....WAY TO MANY! When nike brought the dunks back in 98/99 I flipped and copped as many pairs as I could. Lows and highs. But since the BIG bring back of the shoe in 02'(2005 is when they REALLY started getting popular) I have seen way too many of them and cant stop wondering why the trend is still on the shelves of every major footwear shop....
Dont get me wrong, its a nice shoe and very easy to freak (low and hi) and there are still a couple of dunks that I would wear out of my closet, But we dont need another fucking hallowe'en shoe...last years candy corn flavored COurt Forces were pushing it but its gone to far....EXPECT a valintines day drop, xmas drop and St pattys day drops all of simalar nature....HERES A SMALL LIST OF WHAT I mean!!!
ETC ETC ETC!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
those st pattys ones are rad. clover me green! mmmgreen. nice.
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