Well thats how the morning of a rockstar should start right? So how did my day start off in such a fashion?
It's this new kick I'm on, you see, pretending I can play the bass. It's actually quite fun. I've done it before.
My highschool friends may recall a breif stint where I enjoyed trying to play my fav bands songs on bass.
I'm sure, I was awesome....or I looked awesome in the mirror.
Then, when I moved to Houston, I was at the Art Crawl (a local showcase of tons of galleries in the city) for a show
and on my way out the door passing by the performing (read: arguing) band the bass player said "Fuck Off'"
and tossed his bass over my shoulder. I tried to return the instrument but the singer/ lead guitar told me it was cool,
and that I could be the bass player for the next song. Me completely apprehensive & him totally desperate,
he showed me a few notes, and, DUH, I totally rocked it.
Soooooo....getting back to my point. I decided a while back that I still to play bass, and the opportunity came up
to play in a friends band at a show that is happening Nov. 8th, and I just jumped in the pool like it was 150 degrees outside.
But this show is MAD CLOSE and I don't wanna fuck it up, like I've had overconfident players try to do before,
so I'm driving up to Atx every weekend until the show to learn/practice for this show we have.
And I had to do something to get the creative juices flowing....since the OJ wasn't doin' it by itself.....wellllllll
So, yeah, just wanted to put in my first review, or whatever
EGGS, VODKA, & A BASS.....GOOD!!! Very Good Indeed.
Highly Recommended
I'd say it's about an 8 hole laced up Doc Martin, which btw, apparently are totally in style this season.